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Spiritual sights of Greece

Greece is the cradle of antiquity and the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations. In these parts art was born and beauty dominated. Despite all the changes that have taken place over many centuries, its land keeps memories of those days when people asked Athena for protection and prayed to Aphrodite to give them love.
The highest point in Greece is the legendary Mount Olympus, which has become the main scene of most myths. Titans were born in its vicinity, whose growth was so huge that the nearby rocks were their thrones. On Olympus sat the most powerful of them - Kronos. Then the Greek gods settled on the mountain, who ate ambrosia and nectar and spent all their free time in interesting conversations. Olympus is also valuable for history lovers: Alexander the Great himself came to its foot to make a sacrifice to the gods.

But Olympus is important not only as a historical and mythological symbol. This is a unique natural monument, towering over the Aegean Sea at an altitude of 2917 meters. It is part of a mountain range that stretches from Bulgaria to Turkey. Olympus is surrounded by abysses, and its top is covered with snow.

Travellers book a hotel in Greece in advance online, compare prices, ratings and reviews. For example, in Corfu you can book Aeolos Beach Resort from 145 euros per night.

Tourists come to Greece to measure its strength with the gods themselves. The way to the top usually lasts two days, although experienced climbers overcome this distance in one day. It is customary to start the ascent from Litochoro, which is popularly called the "city of the gods". Its surroundings amaze even the most sophisticated: a majestic mountain, at the foot of which plants of unprecedented beauty grow, some of which cannot be found anywhere else.

Mount Athos
is usually called Holy, because it was here that the most important battle between the gods and the giants took place. One of them, Athos, threw a huge stone at Poseidon, but missed. And a boulder that fell into the water contributed to the formation of the Halkidiki Peninsula.

Orthodox churches are located on Mount Athos.
More than 1500 hermit monks live here. Only men are allowed to visit this place, and women can sail on a boat as close to the shore as possible. The lucky ones manage to watch dolphins, which are numerous in these waters.

Cape Sounion is considered the southernmost point of the Attica peninsula. Here, on a cliff, the height of which reaches 60 m, is the Temple of Poseidon, built in 440 BC. Only 15 columns and the base of the temple, which serves as an observation deck, have survived. It offers a wonderful view of the Aegean Sea and sunsets. And connoisseurs of English literature will be pleasantly surprised: George Byron himself scratched his name on one of the stones.

The mountains and rocks of Greece have the same imprint of ancient culture as the architectural masterpieces created by human hands. Every corner of this country has traces of ancient influence, which even time cannot erase.