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Top attractions in Oslo

The capital of Norway is a very cultured city, characterized by general restraint and Nordic sophistication. Climatically, this is a comfortable place for people who love cool weather. Of course, the capital has not always been as comfortable and presentable as it is now. History has several fires, from which the city came out with great difficulty and losses. Having overcome the critical period, the city established the sphere of shipbuilding and international trade routes, thereby restoring the industrial side of life, but it became truly respectable only by the beginning of the twentieth century, when a large oil field was discovered near the city. Now the city, created by a certain Harold Harold king at the beginning of the distant 11th century, exceeds all expectations and it is pleasant to look at its surroundings.

Travelers prefer to book a hotel in Norway in advance online, compare prices, ratings and reviews. For example, in Oslo, you can book the Grand Hotel from 145 euros per night.

Astrup Fearnley Museum of Contemporary Art

Astrup Fearnley Museum of Contemporary Art the new architectural building is truly unique, the combination of glass and wood, the peculiar shape and the separation of two sectors of the building by a reservoir make it perfect and harmonious. The project for the construction of this museum was proposed by the famous Renzo Piano architect. This work ended with the opening of the museum in 1993. Inside there are a huge number of paintings by both contemporary and famous artists - Matthew Barney, Francis Bacon, Andy Warhol, Nate Lowman, Frank Benson and others. For tourists who love painting in its different styles, this museum will be a real find in the capital of Norway.

Viking Ship Museum

Viking Ship Museum has a collection of three interesting boats that were found about 100 years ago. The first Viking boat, the Oserberg boat, found in 1904 by Professor Gustafson, is located at the entrance to the museum. It is distinguished by a peculiar carved ornament and is a boat 22 meters long and 5 meters wide. It is known that sailors carried various household items and jewelry on such boats. The Gokstad ship is also very interesting for visitors. It is located in the eastern part of the museum and is more stable than the previous boat, because. made of oak, in addition, it was found in clay sea soil, which served to preserve the ship almost in its original form. There is another ship here - the so-called Tyunsky ship. But it is represented only by the surviving pieces; it was not possible to fully assemble its design. In general, the Viking Ship Museum attracts with its historical background, there is a grandiose light show that introduces visitors to the traditions, customs and life of the Vikings.

Akershus Fortress

An important benefit for Oslo in the past played Akershus Fortress. This is the first stone building in the history of the city, which at one time served as a prison, at another as a defensive fortification during enemy attacks. The fortress was founded in the XIII century and served as the beginning of the construction of the current capital. Now it is a historical museum, from the top of the building you can see an impeccable panoramic view. At the same time, from the ramparts you can see Peperviku harbor, Oslo Fjordo islands, Aker Brygge embankment.

Norway is a country with a colorful culture that dates back to the time of the Vikings. That is why it is based on various myths and tales about elves and witches, knights and valiant warriors. The culture is reminiscent of rural traditions, they contain the simplicity and sincerity of the Norwegian people. All Norwegians love to celebrate the most important holiday for the country - Constitution Day. On this day, namely May 17, the inhabitants of Norway and its capital gather state parades created by trade unions, volunteers, groups and schools. On such significant holidays, they like to wear "bunad", a traditional national costume that has survived more than one century. Also, a tourist should know that any holiday for Norwegians is accompanied by an abundance of seafood dishes, such as whale steak, fish pudding, smoked salmon, etc. As for the culture of Norwegian music, its instrumental and vocal components are especially popular here, and the Hardanger violin is also considered a traditional musical instrument. It sounds special and expresses the national Norwegian flavor in its sound on the occasion of official celebrations and weddings.